Something we are sometimes asked – sometimes quite aggressively – is “is this a scam?”
No, we aren’t. We are artists, film-makers and activists who have set ourselves an ambitious but passionate goal. And that goal is to provide a model for bottom up community action on energy costs, energy security and climate change – and in doing so contribute to a meaningful dialogue on what is possible.
We’d love to not be doing this, but the simple truth we have come to is that we cannot afford to wait for a solution from above, or have those in charge dictating the sphere of the possible – particularly as the evidence would seem to be that fossil fuel lobbyists have a quite outrageous input into their thinking on this.
What we have is a clear vision of what the goal is – taking a street plus local schools as off grid as possible, whilst pump priming a local Green New Deal and building models for doing so that can be shared. And scalable plans to get there.
I’d say the best way to see if you trust us or not is to watch our previous, award winning film Bank Job, This will introduce ourselves, our approach and – crucially – show that we have the commitment and capability to take ambitious - some might even say crazy - ideas and see them through to conclusion.
We’re artists, not fortune tellers, so we can’t guarantee what the final result will be. But to use Bank Job as an example, we set out to buy, write off (and symbolically explode) £1 million of local debt. We ended up actually doing it for £1.2 milliion worth.
This is in many ways the reason we have created a free membership tier. You can watch the film, and you can watch us as we go about the project. You can also become acquainted with the various organisations we are working with on the project – all working tirelessly in their own way to pick up the pieces of broken economic and social systems, all of them easily verifiable as being a genuine independent organisation.
If that builds trust in us and enthusiasm for what we are doing, then that’s brilliant - please consider upgrading to a paid membership, buying some Greenbacks or if you can’t afford to do so – and we do realise that times are particularly hard right now – consider spreading the word.
If it doesn’t, then we accept that what we are doing won’t resonate with everyone and thank you for taking the time to check out what we are up to.