Reuters visit the street. ‘London’s solar street thrives on people power.’ Natalie Thomas.
Article and front cover of Observer Magazine Sun Dec 18 2022.
BIG ISSUE article by Sam Gelder 15 July 2022. “These artists are turning their street into a solar POWER STATION.”
The Power Station makes regional news in Saxony.
Article by Nadoya Reid in Waltham Forest Echo 5 July. “Artistic license to print money.”
Pick of 2022 Positive News.
We made The Week Junior!
A friend and neighbour found us in the Happy Newspaper.
Mainly listing external events and invitation sharing POWER. More news via signing up to the mailing list and regular updates and events by joining THE POWERFUL membership community and subscribing to the YouTube channel.
Loving being part of Footwork Trust’s People and Place 2024 cohort. Looking forward to fieldtrip Fri 17 May with Coin Street Community Builders and Civic Power Fund.
Pitching the POWER STATION feature documentary currently in the edit with Alice Powell at the Scottish Documentary Institute’s Edinburgh Pitch 2024.
Finalist in the 2024 Ashden Awards
So excited to be part of Footwork’s People and Place programme this year.
Really happy to have support from the Collective Imagination Fund for work towards sharing our collective imagination learnings in a publication.
Excited to be part of this year’s Retrofit Reimagined with amazing people and organisations.
Preparing to sing out together and share a story of people power , sustenance and beauty. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/just-build-power-stations
Gathering the seeds of Sundance.
So good to be welcomed and meet amazing community in Balsall Heath with Civic Square as part of Retrofit Reimagined.
Looking forward to being part of this year’s amazing Retrofit Reimagined - more info soon.
Exciting start to June 2023 with Octopus Energy installing the first wave of solar panels on the street.
Pitching the Power Station film at Sheffield DocFest meetmarket.
A thwarted attempt at a POWER STATION HQ on the street
Meeting Steve Shaw of Power for People and hearing about their Local Electricity Bill.
Good chat with John Halle of Share Energy.
Hilary’s excited to be one of this year’s Civic Futures Fellows.
Off to Balsall Heath Birmingham to film another in an ecosystem of of people powered solutions already here.
Nominated for Pride of Waltham Forest 2023 Awards.
Talking art, activism and organising as part of Collective Futures.
Great to meet and talk power and climate justice with New School of the Anthropocene.
Experimenting with the seeds of Sundance
Critical friend to the Street Matters and talk at Urban Foundry. Swansea.
Great to meet members of PEC and the Art and Energy Collective.
Great to contribute to Doc Society’s ‘Creative Producer’s Impact Lab’ for the launch of UAL’s AKO Storytelling Institute.
We’re open for E17 Art Trail - a chance to talk to everyone on our street and beyond and develope the project.
Good to share POWER at the Larder as part of the Wanstead Fringe.
Happy to be part of ‘Retrofit Re-Imagined’ organised by CIVIC SQUARE, Dark Matter Labs, ACAN and zero carbon house.
Early mentoring talks with Agamemnon Otero of Repowering London and Energy Garden.
Reconnecting with Rapid Transition Alliance and the beginning of networks around the art of rapid transition.
Keynote at Community Climate Coalition event with Manchester Climate Change Agency.
Happy to share glimpses of POWER at Oxfordshire Great Big Green Weekend.
Excited to be doing our first public pasteup as part of a ‘Community Power’ commission by Urban By Nature.
Sharing early news of the project at Artillerys Creative Climate talk series.
Excited to be part of the Together We Can Summit 11-21 May 22.
Looking forward to talking at the Climate Literacy Launch organised by Architects Climate Action Network.
Discovering Miro as a way of plotting out POWER.
Great to meet and have Will Cottrell of Brighton Energy Cooperative as our mentor.
Great to share POWER with Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s new Innovation Studio in an event on Green Recovery with Suzy Glass and Will Stringer.
Looking forward to being part of WORLDING at MIT Co Creation Studio.
Great to work with the Barbican on the Imagination Exchange asking ‘What if we could make a Green New Deal happen now in Waltham Forest powered by community and culture?’ Join us on 20th May to take part.