Power Station began with sun prints -sending out solargraphy cameras to people joining across the country and world and asking them to put up long exposure pinhole cameras that capture the revolutions of the earth around the sun - evident in the changing trails or light lines of the sun across the sky.

Now in midsummer we work again in collaboration with the sun to make photographic prints and our rooftop election campaign office is the perfect place for the exposure needed.


We’re in production on customised GreenBacks where individuals, families, groups or businesses, as green backers of the POWER STATION, receive and feature on their own Greenback banknote artwork.

These are made as £3000 and £5000 notes.

They are bigger than the Greenbacks at 420mm x 185mm.

Get in touch to find out more.

Mock up £3000 Greenback banknote/artwork.


POWER STATION is a work of art and infrastructure. As an act of ‘thinking through making’ art fuels both the production of ideas and action. All proceeds go directly into growing the POWER STATION.


The GreenBacks fuel the building of the POWER STATION and community wealth. They were made in a street facing substation site training and employing a team of local people in techniques of riso, foil blocking and screenprint. Higher denomination notes also feature UV invisible layers and AR.

More about the ‘Green Backs’ here.

We are sadly only able to offer framing within the UK. For overseas orders the recipient will be liable for any local taxes / import duties - though we hope that shipping the sets unframed will largely avoid these.