Do you believe we can make an actual difference - and is anxiety useful?

Everyone says they have a plan till they get punched in the mouth. That's what Tyson said when asked about what he was planning in a forthcoming fight.

For those of us who believe that what 99% of scientists tell us is true, we've been getting it in the mouth. A lot.

And a lot of punches to the head and every other place.

We're all a bit dizzy and we're in a lot of pain - and many of us are wondering what we can actually do to make a difference in this movement.

And there's a lot of people probably just thinking - maybe it'd be better if I just looked the other way.. that ship has sailed…

All these thoughts boil down to belief.

Can we actually do anything? Can we make a difference?

Is there a way we can change course? Or are we all just wasting our energies worrying?

And while I'm asking questions, does anxiety actually help or is it something we should seek to displace with yoga, TV or meditation?

I believe that very often anxiety is just life calling to us, reminding us that we must rise to the occasion - it's asking us to be more courageous and make more of a stand. And to take action.

If we give up there's a cost. And the price is how we look into the eye of our children and grandchildren - and the price too is being paid in the breakdown of the natural world. And what we see when we look into the mirror.

We know that politicians aren't able to do anything. They have proven over the years that they lack power.

But we believe that we can make a difference and it's our job to lead the charge - and this starts on our doorsteps.

We are very happy to spend our waking hours fighting for change on our street using mainly ancient tools of story and art - but to do that we need our community to vote for it and take action along side us.

We have just over 2 weeks left now and a mountain to climb. Who's coming up to the top?

A million thanks to those of you who have !! And who back us in the membership.

Just Start Power Stations T-shirt


Photo below of one of the rewards.

A Just Start Power Station T-shirt only available through the fundraiser.




A poem that really moved us today - enjoy this!